Kick Your Cold ~ East Meets West!

And the countdown is on…umbrella drink vacation is in sight. Christmas was wonderful. Such quality time with special friends and special family and time spent catching up via phone to loved ones not in San Diego this Christmas. Santa brought us such beautiful things, including a cold for me.

M and I Christmas Morning (b&w to hide puffy cold)

M and I Christmas Morning (b&w to hide puffy cold face)

It showed up Sunday night. I sneezed once after dinner and pretty much haven’t stopped since. Word on the street is that this cold going around is a nasty one. So I’ve been fighting fire with fire and mixing East and West to kick this sucker quickly!!! My girlfriend Carol recommended a regime and I blended it with my own to come up with the following program…

Hourly juicing (I’m home sick today so I can blend at will, but if you don’t have that luxury, mix a big batch, take it to work and do a shot every hour)

Here is my recipe:

  • 1 clove of garlic
  • handful of frozen berries
  • half a lime, peeled
  • chunk of ginger
  • 1tsp turmeric
  • 1/2 banana
Cold Buster Ingredients

Cold Buster Ingredients

Blend in your Nutribullet (what? you don’t have one? Get thee one asap) or blender. And pour 3/4 of the juice into a glass. (preferably a pretty glass) Then top off with sparkling water. And voila, a kick-butt, cold busting remedy! It doesn’t taste that bad, I mean it…

Pretty Glasses Make Things Taste Better!

Pretty Glasses Make Things Taste Better!

In addition to the juice, I’m guzzling as much hot water as I can to break up the yuck that’s been gathering in my chest (sorry). Chamomile tea, Theraflu or just hot water + honey + lemon at least once an hour. Every three hours, add in a shot of Dayquil. Then for good measure, chug plain ‘ole water. Hydrate as much as possible! Before bed, M has been making me his signature Hot Toddy – bless him.  Irish Whisky (a shot should do it), lemon, honey and hot water works miracles and makes you sleepy.

Sleep when I’m sick is essential! If I’m not rested, forget about getting better. So I don’t take chances on not being able to sleep. This part is optional, but I take 1 Tylenol PM. Then I make sure my bedside table is well stocked for any & all late night necessities.

Nightstand Essentials

Nightstand Essentials

My Aussie girlfriends Lucy and Bec turned me on to Lucas’ Papaw Ointment. It is amazing for burns, chapped lips and, unfortunately for me, a chapped nose due to excessive blowing for 2 days straight. (don’t have access to Lucas’, Aquaphor works great too) Water and TP are also essential. I have Nyquil on stand by just in case I start watching the sun come up.

And finally, stay warm! Anytime I feel chilled it’s into the hot shower I go. As hot as I can stand it for even just a few minutes does wonders. Then beanie and socks on to keep head and feet warm. And no matter how much I want to, no exercising – not even yoga. That’s where a chest cold can turn really nasty. Overkill you say? Well, we shall see. It’s day four and I can breathe through my nose again. My incessant sneezing has settled into a throaty only slightly painful cough and my eyes aren’t quite as blood shot as they were yesterday. So here’s to East meets West remedies and a little bit of hoping.

Happy Boxing Day!

Happy Boxing Day!

Happy Boxing Day!