Sunshine Kir

On a daily quest for the eternal sunshine!

Month: November, 2013

No Purchase Necessary

This Black Friday I’m full. No need to purchase a thing. The memory of two weeks of garage sales is still fairly fresh in my mind.

Yes, I could stock up on deals. And yes, 50% off Mikoh bikinis and 40% off boots at is awfully tempting. But it’ll all be there next week if I really need something.

Instead, I’m focusing on staying healthy both mentally and physically. Nothing looks better on, than glowing skin and a fit bod. Throw in a face free of worry and that’s better than anything I can purchase.

In summary, I’m staying in and powering down The laptop. I’m so grateful for what I have already…family, friends, a beautiful life in a beautiful place.

Side note: I’m up to 40 seconds on my plank for anyone counting! Helpful after the gruyere potatoes I had cold for lunch!💗

Grateful for below: beautiful day on a boat, mi familia, that guy…





30 Day Plank Challenge?

The 30 Day Plank Challenge

I think this has been making the rounds via Facebook & Pinterest lately. A friend “shared” it and I took a look. Day 1 and day 2 you only have to hold plank for 20 seconds. Day 3 and 4 you bump up to 30 seconds. Piece of cake right?

Supposedly, it gets hard as you go. So I figured, why not? Let’s give it a shot. In the time I took to mull it over, I could be done with day 1 and day 2. So here we go. 30 days. I’m posting it so I don’t forget. M is going to do it with me.

If it seems to easy to you, then do it. You’ll feel good about your fitness level. If it seems daunting, then do it. You’ll feel accomplished as you work your fitness level up. At it’s peak, it’s a mere 1.5 minute commitment each day.

Already completed day 1 and day 2. Success so far! 😉

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My plank from a couple years ago
think I can still swing this…

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So these are the muscles I’m working
Sold! Let’s do this! (sorry, couldn’t find source)

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Piece of cake? We shall see…

Turning Off the Phone
A little experiment

In an effort to be fully present this weekend, I tried a little something.

My Mission

  • Keep the iPhone put away for the entire day on Saturday and Sunday
  • Buy an alarm clock. No good comes from having said iPhone in the bedroom (last thing you see at night, first thing in the am – oh no no no)
  • Bring phone along, but put away. Use only for emergencies – like getting lost in my new hood
  • Resist the temptation to take pictures of everything and simply take it all in w/my eyes
it can be done
  • Practice being truly present in each moment and enjoying the company I’m with

My Experience

  • Alarm clock purchased. Should have done this months ago
  • iPhone now charging in kitchen
  • Eye contact, whoa

  • A walk through Little Italy and it’s amazing how much I took in
  • Observed four different selfies in action at the bar. No judgment, but people look pretty silly trying to snap their perfect shots
  • Went out on a friend’s boat on Sunday. So beautiful
  • Not going to lie. Many moments when I wanted to snap shots of my toes on the boat, a group shot of us, the sun on the water, etc
  • Instead, I soaked in the scenery and stayed present. It was worth it

Moving Forward

  • I had a great weekend and took in a lot – sea lions lounging on buoys, the Coronado bridge being painted, the color wake turns off the back of a boat, the fact that people at The Waterfront in Little Italy drink shots at noon w/their burgers (way out of our league), met an old friend and spent time catching up instead of snapping shots of us all
  • Can’t promise I won’t ever take another selfie, but I may think twice before whipping out the phone
  • Takeaway: Do I love not using my phone as my alarm clock? A resounding yes!
  • Takeaway: photos are a great way to mark memories, but within reason
  • Takeaway: I am so much more relaxed. It’s kind of crazy how manic I can get when constantly multi-tasking w/the phone ♄
The Waterfront
shots at noon anyone? (credit: SD Reader)

The Waterfront
shots at noon anyone? (pic cred: SD Reader)

Decree from more phone in bedroom

Genius. Decree from M…no more phone in bedroom (source)

Coronado bridge is getting painted!

Coronado bridge is getting painted! (source)

Note: all photos are from other sources. I took no pics this weekend. Mission Accomplished. 🙂