joyieux noel…almost

by Kir

Oh it’s almost Christmas…can you feel it? Do you have a fire roaring in your fireplace? I hope so. This year has had so many good things and so many, let’s say “interesting”, things happen. Life lessons a plenty – all for growth, all for good…

And now as we are so close to Christmas Eve, I’m feeling sentimental, nostalgic and very lovey dovey for family, friends and the world in general. My family is in Washington this year by the sea. I’m guessing they’re watching the Seahawks game (Go Seattle, Go!), drinking some delicious wine and snacking on a plethora of cheese, crackers and salami. I ♥ you guys.

Here is a collection of images from Pinterest that are warm, beautiful and festively reflect the beautiful winter white coastal version of Christmas.

Coastal Lights

Coastal Lights

Sparkling Artichoke

All That Glitters is Not Gold, Sometimes It’s Artichokes

F Scott Fitzgerald's Beautiful Writing

F Scott Fitzgerald’s Beautiful Writing

Peace Is My Wish For You

Peace Is My Wish For You

Christmas at Versailles...Stunning

Christmas at Versailles…Stunning (not coastal, but so pretty)

Pineapple, the Symbol of Hospitality & Warm Welcomes

Pineapple, the Symbol of Hospitality & Warm Welcomes

Sand Tree

Sand Tree

If you please, travel safe, give people the benefit of the doubt, be patient, be kind and overly generous with compliments, hugs and affection. And happy happy Christmas Eve Eve. xxoo